Open Source Friendly

Software Freedom Conservancy
DonationsA not-for-profit charity that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend FLOSS projects.

Software in the Public Interest
DonationsA non-profit organization to help organizations develop and distribute open hardware and software.

DonationsA tool for attributing credit to contributions based on metrics that describes how important they were.
InfrastructureStaroid is a hosting platform that turns open source projects into running services to fund project contributors.

DonationsA tool that helps you see if any of the software you depend on has authors seeking for donations

SupportProfessional assurances directly from the open source experts who know it best.

CrowdfundingA provider of free crowdsourcing services to open source projects by incentivizing contribution.

XS Code
PaywallA platform for open source projects offering paid subscriptions for open core, dual licensing, support, models.