SupportMonthly subscription platform supporting creative through blockchain technology that let’s creators get paid in crypto.
Storj Network
InfrastructureStorj is a decentralized, end-to-end encrypted cloud storage platform that uses cryptography to secure your files.
DonationsContinuous and automated donation distribution to your project contributors and dependencies. Integrated into Github Actions
Dev Protocol
StakingDev protocol is a decentralized middleware that enhances individual activities and supports sustainability through staking.
Bounty Source
BountiesBountysource is the funding platform for open-source software by creating/collecting bounties and pledging to fundraisers.
CrowdfundingA nonprofit cooperative for funding public goods – things like software, music, journalism, and research.
DonationsFunds entire dependency tree’s as they’re used with a combination of donation and ad revenue.
Amazon Smile
DonationsAmazon donates 0.5% of the eligible net purchase price to the charitable organisation of choice, such as OSS foundations.
Apt-get Shirt
MerchandiseFrom every T-shirt you buy apt-get-shift donates 50% of the proceedings to that same project it represents.
AWS Promotional Credit
InfrastructureAWS credits to open source projects used to perform testing, CI/CD, or storage of artifacts on AWS.
SupportAnalyzes your open source software dependencies to find which projects you rely on, and then provides a way for you to easily support them all.
DonationsAllows simple funding development of existing or new features for Github based projects using Chrome extension.
Bounties Network
BountiesDecentralized task based bounty platform with Ethereum based staking and arbitration.
BountiesA platform, used to conduct research into the use of incentives and prediction markets and tooling for open-source projects.
Buy me Coffee
DonationsAllows creators to receive support and share premium content with a link or a button on their website.
Carbon Ads
AdvertisingConnecting designers, developers, and tech-savvy audiences with relevant brands through curate publishers and advertisers.
SupportCodeBuddy plugs into your IDE, understands your problem’s context, and instantly matches you with subject matter experts.
AdvertisingCodeFund is an ethical ad platform that funds contributors of the open source ecosystem.